Our Impact
We are on a mission to better the world through electrical and computer engineering. Through the satellites in space to the phones in our pockets and everything in between, ECE impacts each and every life. ECEDHA is building tomorrow's technology by supporting today's educators and researchers.
Conference Attendees
ECEDHA is an association of the most prominent Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads in the world, representing the academic leaders of over three hundred accredited ECE programs in the United States and Canada. The Foundation exists to raise funds that will better the training and research of ECE departments across the world bringing about the best possible graduates in ECE.

Discover the depth of impact ECEDHA has made this past year in the ECE Community.


ECE Students served annually by ECEDHA institutions

ECEDHA is an association of the most prominent Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads in the world, representing the academic leaders of over three hundred accredited ECE programs in the United States and Canada. The Foundation exists to raise funds that will better the training and research of ECE departments across the world bringing about the best possible graduates in ECE.
“I was amazed at the opportunities that [ECEDHA's] iREDEFINE program gave me to not only grow my connections and knowledge, but also to get the support network to be successful as a female person of color in engineering.”

– Anita Omo-Okhuasuyi, Doctoral Candidate-Electrical Engineering

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ECE Foundation I Two Prudential Plaza, 180 North Stetson, Suite 3500 I Chicago, IL 60601 I 312-268-5601

The ECE Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) and gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Copyright by the ECE Foundation